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Construction of a high-rack warehouse for Hellenic Diaries S.A

  • Industry: Manufacturing, Food Industry
  • Location: Trikala, Greece
  • Period of implementation of the project: 16 months, 9 months of which is assembly work
  • Challenge: Complete engineering, including the construction of a full-stack high-rack warehouse for pallets weighing up to 900kg, development of Middle Ware Software, through which data is exchanged between WMS and MFS with the PLC software of the conveyor system and the Automated Rack Pallet Handlers (ARPHs), which overcame the differences in the writing concepts of the two software and satisfied the client's requirements.
  • Solution of STAM LTD: The technical solution proposed by STAM LTD regarding the assignment was to build one building with two separate warehouses, almost identical in volume, mounted side by side and separated by a partition wall. The operating temperature determined by the storage technology is 20C. Due to the specificity of the stored production, one warehouse has an ARPH equipped with a shuttle platform and 15'400 positions for Euro pallets. In the other warehouse are installed three ARPHs, equipped with fork platforms, serving 8'952 double-depth pallet positions, suitable for use both for Euro pallets (800 x 1'200mm) and for industrial pallets (1'000 x 1'200mm). The project is fully compliant with the requirements of HELLENIC DIARIES S.A., coordinated to work with Automated Guide Vehicles (AGVs).

The construction of the site and the proving of the technical specifications were completed on the 10th month from the beginning of the project implementation. 

The commissioning was carried out in two phases. The first phase involves the launch and commissioning of the shuttle system, which was completed in the 12th month of the start of the project. The second phase, during which the complete integration of the Middle Ware software was carried out, covered the commissioning and putting into operation of the three forked ARPHs and was completed in the 16th month.

  • Achievement: The self-supporting automated warehouse is the first of its kind built in Greece given the seismic activity in the area. It was executed in compliance with the agreed term for installation and in compliance with all requirements for health and safety at work. The building air-tightness requirement, required in connection with the installation of an innovative fire prevention system that utilizes the generation and filling of the interior space with nitrogen, has been successfully achieved. The advantages of the shuttle system are obvious, which, for the purpose of longer storage of large batches, with the same dimensions of the facility, leads to a doubling of the number of pallet storage positions.