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All our activities are carried out with deep respect regarding all essential human rights. We comply high labor standards, respect the environment and supports anti-corruption initiatives.


STAMH manages its business activities according to the principles of the company's Code of Conduct and observes Business Ethics rules, acting in accordance with the Sustainability Policy;

Our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics contains the fundamental principles, rules, and core values ​ - the essential framework of all our corporate activities;

Our Code of Conduct takes into consideration all international standards and initiatives, the international labor standards ISO 9001 and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, as well as the recommendations of the OECD - Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises;



  • Respect, support, and protection of human rights;
  • Guarantee of non-involvement in acts, violating human rights;



  • Freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • Elimination of all forms of forced work;
  • Effective elimination of child labor;
  • Eradication of discrimination regarding the right to work and profession;



  • Support and prevention of initiatives for environmental protection;
  • Activities and internal standards, stimulating environmentally friendly behavior;
  • Encouraging the development and implementation of energy-saving technologies;



  • Support of anti-corruption initiatives and protection of the transparency policy;



STAMH is an international company with offices in different European countries. We respect and protect human rights. We treat all our employees, partners, and suppliers with respect and dignity;

Our international holding provides equal opportunities and similar treatment. Job applicants, colleges, partners, and suppliers are treated equally, without any prejudices regarding their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, health status, political affiliation, nationality, social or ethnic origin, trade union memberships, or marital status. We expect and demand the same behavior from our partners and suppliers;

The management of the company requires the hiring of new employees, based on their ability to perform a job, regardless of their personal characteristics or beliefs. STAMH rejects any form of forced or obligatory work. This includes any services or work performed under threat of punishment. We reject any kind of work, for which employees have not given their explicit consent;

STAMH management requires everyone to be treated with dignity and respect and not to become part of or allow any kind of corporal punishment, violent treatment, or another type of harassment, especially when this behavior is based on gender, race, color, religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or other legally protected characteristic;

STAMH firmly stands against the use and exploitation of child labor and requires the same from its partners and suppliers, all around the world;

Our company respects and honors the right of its employees to be part of trade unions, associations, or other types of legal organizations, complying with all applicable local, national, and European laws, concerning the right of freedom of association and collective bargaining;

We observe all applicable laws and regulations, regarding remuneration and working hours. Remuneration and social benefits meet and, in many cases, exceed industry and governmental legal standards. As a minimum, the remuneration must meet all our employees’ basic needs for a dignified life;

STAMH complies with all applicable laws and regulations, regarding working hours, weekends, and vacations. Overtime is voluntary and additionally paid;

All our suppliers must take measures to ensure that no materials produced or supplied to STAMH, originate from conflict zones, or contribute to armed conflicts or human rights violations. Upon request, suppliers must provide information about the country and location of origin of all products and services requested by STAMH;



As a market leader in warehouse technologies, we always strive to develop and follow the latest innovations in our field, strictly complying with requirements for sustainable development. 

We believe that the management of the impact of our activities on the environment is important. We use the best techniques and practices to integrate environmentally friendly policies as part of our company development.

The goals we set, pursue the conservation of natural resources, the reduction of energy consumption, wastes re-utilization and pollution prevention.

The Occupational Safety and Health Management System has been developed, implemented, and certified as part of an integrated quality, environmental and occupational safety, and health management system, in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001;

STAMH applies the requirements of the international ISO 14001, 2015 standards, regarding the determination of the scope of the Environmental Management System in all our activities and services;

STAMH strives to understand better the internal and external issues that can impact in a positive manner our environmental performance, improving our organizational culture and structure.

  • At STAMH, we try to constantly reduce the waste, resulting from our operational activity;
  • Our company encourages recycling and waste reuse;
  • We use drinking water purificators, completely excluding the use of plastic bottles and cups;
  • We educate and encourage our colleagues to lead and participate in eco-friendly initiatives;
  • STAMH encourages and educates environmentally responsible behavior, not only for our employees and colleagues, but also for our partners, suppliers, and customers;
  • We continuously improve our environmental performance by defining, monitoring, and reviewing our environmental objectives;



STAMH management is committed to providing а safe working environment for all its employees and society. The health and safety of our employees is an important part of our corporate culture;

At STAMH, we are committed to:

Constantly assess health and safety risks. Our main goal is to maintain the safety, health, and well-being of our employees and partners.

We create healthy and safe working conditions, complying with the requirements, set by the applicable legislation, and exceed them when possible.

We do not tolerate any violation of the established health and safety rules, neither by our colleagues, nor by our partners and suppliers. 

We apply a preventive health and safety approach, both in decision-making and in the implementation of all activities, that suppose a risk to health and safety;

In order to prevent injuries and illnesses to all employees and people working for the company, we are constantly improving the health and safety management system, defining, monitoring, and reviewing our health and safety prevention objectives.

We consult our employees and encourage their participation in the management of issues, related to health and safety at work.

We draw the attention of our suppliers, partners, and subcontractors to occupational health and safety issues and require them to demonstrate care and implement health and safety measures.



STAMH expects its employees and suppliers to adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct in every aspect of their business, including relationships, business practices, sourcing, and supplying activities. They are expected to prevent any form of corruption practices, including extortion, fraud, bribery, or money laundering. In case of any suspicion, employees, suppliers, and partners are expected to report immediately to the management;

STAMH uses to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with its customers and suppliers. The purpose is to preserve any personal and sensitive business information, concerning STAMH and our partners, as well as any commercial and financial information in a reliable and secure manner;

STAMH demands its employees and suppliers conduct their business in accordance with applicable antitrust, competitiveness, and fair market practices and laws. These laws prohibit, among others, illegal pricing, distribution of customers and markets, group boycotts or denial of trade, illegal business bonding, illegal exclusive rights agreements, monopolization, illegal termination of contracts, and any attempt to participate in this kind of activity;

STAMH expects its employees and suppliers to avoid behaviors or actions that may affect or influence the company's decisions related to supplies and sales. Such conduct or actions include gifts or entertainment of excessive value, with no business purpose, offering cash or cash equivalents, offering loans, or special offers to employees or their relatives;

Our employees are required to accurately keep and provide information, regarding our business activities, structure, financial conditions, and company performance in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as established industry business practices.