Walk-behind scrubber-dryer EUREKA E46

Small dimensions, exceptional productivity
Do not waste your time, contact us and together we will find the right solution for you and your business Request an offer
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EUREKA Е46 is a compact and maneuverable walk-behind scrubber dryer. It is the ideal solution for cleaning and daily maintenance of small and medium spaces not accessible by a bigger machine. The model is suitable for areas between 500 m2 and 2000 m2. E46 washes and dries the floor perfectly even close to obstacles or confined areas thanks to the maneuverability of the machine and the adjustable handle. The machine is available either driven by maintenance-free batteries, which allow for up to an impressive 2h 40 minutes of continuous operation, or cable powered for unlimited running time;

The new Li-Ion modification offers cableless operations and much more flexibitly - the machine can be charged very quickly, making it perfect for working hours usage - and ofcourse - cableless operations;


Main advantages:

  • Cable or battery-powered;
  • Easy accessible tanks offer remarkable ease of filling, emptying, and cleaning, even in the most awkward locations;
  • The machine can be easily folded for storage and for easy transportation;
  • Exceptional brush pressure of 35 kg.
  • On-board battery charger;
  • Roto-molded shock-resistant tanks, chassis, and squeegee made of steel;
  • Option: stainless steel (INOX) chassis and squeegee for the Food industry;





Е46В Li-Ion

Power supply

Cable 230V

Battery AGM 2x12V (24V)

Battery 1x24V Li-Ion


1600 m2/h

1600 m2/h

1600 m2/h

Cleaning path

46 сm

46 сm

46 сm

Clean water tank

28 l

28 l

28 l

Dirty water tank

30 l

30 l

30 l

Work time


2h 40 min



Do not waste your time, contact us and together we will find the right solution for you and your business Request an offer