The annual inspection requires professionally trained rack inspectors, complying with the latest and most significant Euro Norm. The inspection is done systematically, according to and following a detailed inspection protocol. It is documented with precise and exhaustive reports;
STAMH Service has huge experience working in this area. The company is a specialist, in terms of DIN EN 15635 “Steel static storage, systems - Applications and maintenance of storage equipment”;
Inspections are performed by a trained and accredited inspector, and undertaken at least once every twelve months. Following this inspection, a professional report is presented containing a description of the general condition of the installation (floor, usage, handling equipment, loads). We elaborate detailed lists of measures to be taken, classified into risk categories, depending on the severity of the damage and the urgency of the repair;
The inspector will be able to classify and evaluate certain forms of damage and deformation (protection systems, anchoring systems, safety pins, yokes and beams);